
PuppyGoHere trained pups make your prospective buyer more confident:

When a new owner brings home a puppy, they’re usually nervous about where to begin with house training. The Puppy Pan Training System is designed around the natural instincts of your puppies. If you start training your puppies right away, you can have the advantage of selling litter trained pups to your prospective buyers, offering peace of mind for one of the biggest pet owner concerns.

Benefits for Breeders:

  • Sell your pups already trained!
  • Cleaner and easier than paper
  • Lessens odor


When asked about house training, tell your clients about Puppy Pan

Benefits for Veterinarians:

  • Offers a solution to a common problem pet owners face
  • Lowers anxiety for clients and provides relief for the dogs
  • A great option to make training easier for everyone.